Join us for this event in Copenhagen, where we celebrate the last two years dedicated to creating sustainable, inclusive, and attractive solutions. We will share our results, tools, and learnings - and look into the future of the New European Bauhaus in the coming years.
Experience a day filled with inspiring activities: Listen to talks from our project partners, participate in interactive workshops, and enjoy a captivating performance.
About Desire - Designing an Irresistible Circular Society: Desire experiments with creating sustainable, attractive, and inclusive solutions. Powered by knowledge from eight urban transformation projects across Europe, the aim is to create a new vision for how we can build and live based on cohesion and equality. Desire is a New European Bauhaus lighthouse project.
10 September 2024 - Program:
12.00: Arrival and light lunch
12.30: Welcome - Torben Klitgaard, CEO at BLOXHUB (Lead)
12.45: Panel debate: How to Build a Movement - Peter Andreas Sattrup, Head of Green Transition at NCC; Helene Eiliott, Innovation Advisor at Stavanger Municipality; Diana Krabbendam, Director of The Beach
13.30: Talk: Learnings from Desire: Pathways for the New European Bauhaus - Emma Puerari, Associate Professor at Politecnico Milano; Alessandro Deserti, Professor at Politecnico di Milano
13:50: Break
14:00: Panel debate: Engaging and Building a Shared Vision - Sara Nardi, Project Manager at AGORA; Rudis Rubenis, Project Coordinator at Riga Municipality; Ema Henic, Project Coordinator at CER Sustainable Business Network; Lisbeth Engelbrecht Jensen, Project Manager at
14:50: Building Neighborhood Agency, Ownership and Community Wealth: Diana Krabbendam, Director of The Beach
15:00: Break
15:15: Performance: Multi-Species Roundtable - Siv Werner, Project Manager at NXT
15:45: Panel Debate: The Desire(d) Transition to NEB: Experiments in Falchera and MIND, Italy Beatrice Villari, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano; Francesco La Loggia, Project & Stakeholder Manager at PlusValue; Elena Bologna, Project Manager at PlusValue; Domenica Moscato, Desire Project Manager at Consorzio Kairos; Laura Fornaro, Desire Project Manager at Consorzio Kairos
16:15: Presentation: Narratives of Irresistible Futures - Olivia Thomassen Harre, Post.Doc. at Aalborg University
16.30: Break
16.40: Workshop: How to be an Irresistible City Maker? Cecilie Schulze, Urban Transition Lead at Danish Design Center; Christina Melander, Director, Digital Transition at Danish Design Center;
Henriette Thuen, Leading Senior Advisor at Danish Industry
17:40: Thank you for today - Torben Klitgaard, CEO at BLOXHUB
17.50 – 18.30: Network and drinks
The event will be moderated by Michael Booth, Monocle correspondent, author, and keynote speaker.
Danish Architecture Center, Bryghuspladsen 10, Copenhagen, Denmark K