SOLD OUT - Join us: Desire for a New Society - Designing the Bridge to an Irresistible Future - Desire shares results, tools and learnings

Join us for this event in Copenhagen, where we celebrate the last two years dedicated to creating sustainable, inclusive, and attractive solutions. We will share our results, tools, and learnings - and look into the future of the New European Bauhaus in the coming years.

Experience a day filled with inspiring activities: Listen to talks from our project partners, participate in interactive workshops, and enjoy a captivating performance.

About Desire - Designing an Irresistible Circular Society: Desire experiments with creating sustainable, attractive, and inclusive solutions. Powered by knowledge from eight urban transformation projects across Europe, the aim is to create a new vision for how we can build and live based on cohesion and equality. Desire is a New European Bauhaus lighthouse project.

10 September 2024 - Program:

12.00: Arrival and light lunch

12.30: Welcome - Torben Klitgaard, CEO at BLOXHUB (Lead)

12.45: Panel debate: How to Build a Movement - Peter Andreas Sattrup, Head of Green Transition at NCC; Helene Eiliott, Innovation Advisor at Stavanger Municipality; Diana Krabbendam, Director of The Beach

13.30: Talk: Learnings from Desire: Pathways for the New European Bauhaus - Emma Puerari, Associate Professor at Politecnico Milano; Alessandro Deserti, Professor at Politecnico di Milano

13:50: Break

14:00: Panel debate: Engaging and Building a Shared Vision - Sara Nardi, Project Manager at AGORA; Rudis Rubenis, Project Coordinator at Riga Municipality; Ema Henic, Project Coordinator at CER Sustainable Business Network; Lisbeth Engelbrecht Jensen, Project Manager at

14:50: Building Neighborhood Agency, Ownership and Community Wealth: Diana Krabbendam, Director of The Beach

15:00: Break

15:15: Performance: Multi-Species Roundtable - Siv Werner, Project Manager at NXT

15:45: Panel Debate: The Desire(d) Transition to NEB: Experiments in Falchera and MIND, Italy Beatrice Villari, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano; Francesco La Loggia, Project & Stakeholder Manager at PlusValue; Elena Bologna, Project Manager at PlusValue; Domenica Moscato, Desire Project Manager at Consorzio Kairos; Laura Fornaro, Desire Project Manager at Consorzio Kairos

16:15: Presentation: Narratives of Irresistible Futures - Olivia Thomassen Harre, Post.Doc. at Aalborg University

16.30: Break

16.40: Workshop: How to be an Irresistible City Maker? Cecilie Schulze, Urban Transition Lead at Danish Design Center; Christina Melander, Director, Digital Transition at Danish Design Center;
Henriette Thuen, Leading Senior Advisor at Danish Industry

17:40: Thank you for today - Torben Klitgaard, CEO at BLOXHUB

17.50 – 18.30: Network and drinks

The event will be moderated by Michael Booth, Monocle correspondent, author, and keynote speaker.


Danish Architecture Center, Bryghuspladsen 10, Copenhagen, Denmark K

Programme for the day