This tool showcases how to make change in long-term processes into tangible and visible initiatives. 1:1 mobile interventions refer to initiatives that act as physical installations in the space you are transforming. The key is to make something tactile and visible through simple means. This tool serves as an example of the advice “work with what you got”.
Purpose - Why should we use this tool?
The purpose of this tool is to visualise change, and physically anchor on-site initiatives.
Duration - How much time is needed?
A general time frame cannot be set for 1:1 mobile intervention. The duration of time depends on the scale of your intervention or installation. We recommend downscaling the level of complexity, and working with what you have, which includes being realistic on the time you have at hand.
Materials and helpful links
Read more about the physical installations (1:1 mobile interventions) created at the Kalundborg site. Link at the top of this page.