Hackathons can be focused on a particular theme, technology, or programming language and can be open to anyone interested in participating, often including developers, designers, product managers, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and project managers, collaborating towards a common goal.
Many hackathons are competitive events where teams compete to create the best solution to a problem or set of problems in a fast-paced environment. Typically, mentorship is available for teams as they experiment and iterate toward a viable solution.
Each team then presents its solution to a panel of judges for prizes, recognition, and a chance to implement the solution by the sponsoring company.
This can be a fun and exciting way to motivate participants and encourage them to push their limits.
Purpose - Why should we use til tool?
The goal of a hackathon is often to build a working prototype, or proof-of-concept, of a product or feature in a short amount of time and to have fun, improve skill sets, and network while doing it.
Duration - How much time is needed?
Most hackathons last 48 hours, sometimes less. It is not recommended to exceed a duration of 48 hours. Otherwise consider conducting a design sprint.
Materials and helpful links
You can draw inspiration from the guides linked at the top of the page.