
The Tender Wheel

The model is a tool used to include multiple actors who are not usually involved in developing a tender program, such as children or other users of the site.
Description - What is this tool?

The Tender wheel is a model that helps guide the development of a tender program for your site. The model is a tool used to include multiple actors who are not usually involved in developing a tender program, such as children or other users of the site.

Four layers of the Tender wheel are made within the context of Desire:

The NEB base: The base of the Tender wheel lies on the three New European Bauhaus (NEB) values: Sustainable, Inclusive, and Aesthetics (link to NEB values).

Selected principles: In the next layer you need to choose three of the Desire Principles (link to principles) that you want to focus on which will guide the next steps of developing your own site-specific principles and prototypes.

Customised principles: The third layer of the model consists of the principles that you develop for your site-specific context, customised to your setting and for your needs.

Prototypes: Final layer of the model entails prototypes of the places, events, and objects that the other layers have inspired and guided toward.

Purpose - Why should we use this tool?

The purpose of this tool is to redefine tendering processes by incorporating participatory design principles based on local needs, particularly those of young people, and emphasise sustainable values rather than pure economic measures. Further, it is making principles such as ‘aesthetics’ or ‘inclusion’ not just the cherry on top but a main ingredient within a tender program.

Duration - How much time is needed?

The time and resources required will vary depending on each context's specific conditions, and you might have to either shorten or expand the timespan to fit the scale of your project.

Materials and helpful links

At the top of the page you will find the Tender wheel developed on the Gadehavegård site and the tender documents (Danish) based on this Tender wheel.