Outdoor Space Mapping is a tool employed to engage citizens in envisioning how the outdoor space of a local site could look like. The tool can be used in co-creation workshops at the initial phases of a transformation process to ensure citizens’ voices and perspectives are included in the development of the outdoor space by helping them visualise their ideas.
This mapping practice involves extensive analysis and engagement with users to envision outdoor spaces within each neighbourhood context. Plans are then crafted based on discussions and workshops with various stakeholders to ensure that their diverse perspectives – ranging from children to seniors – are considered.
Purpose - Why should we use this tool?
The purpose of this tool is to include citizens in envisioning their desired transformation of place. It helps citizens visualise their needs and makes it tangible to integrate their perspectives into further stages of the transformation of a place. The tool can help facilitate the exchange of ideas.
Duration - How much time is needed?
We recommend allotting 2-3 hours workshops allowing citizens to map out ideas, share perspectives, and discuss suggestions. The time and resources required will vary depending on each context's specific conditions, and you might have to either shorten or expand the timespan for the tool.
Materials and helpful links
Find the link to the tool and guidelines at the top of the page.